Start A Round-Robin Story Wiki


Once upon a time there was a boy who liked to save things. When he was small he liked to save toy airplane and cars and stuffed animals. As he grew older he saved Marvel and DC comic books and various toy robots and Godzilla toys. By the time he was in junior high school, he saved cameras, fantasy and science fiction magazines, Pokemon toys and various videogames. In high school, he saved BB guns and slingshots, even still more cameras, DVDS, vintage board games, antique comic books and paperbacks. By the time he went into the army, he had accumulated vinal records, old stamps, marbles and coins collections, tchotchkes and various other objects from junk drawers. Naturally, he couldn't take it all with him so he left this immence collection with his parents.

His parents were at a loss of where to store everything.

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Especially his box of used condoms.

When this box was found his family decided to have an intervention.
